We provide lists of spammers that persist in abusing forums and blogs with their scams, ripoffs, exploits and other annoyances*. We provide these lists so that you don't have to endure the never ending job of having to moderate, filter and delete their rubbish. We provide a "free for use" site where you can check registrations and posts against our database. We list known forum and blog spammers, including IP and email addresses, usernames, how busy they are and, in some cases, evidence of their spam. There are two ways that you can access this information, either by searching or by using the API provided to automate the searches. The API will allow your site (via a "mod" or plugin) to then make decisions about how you wish to handle the activities of spammers. Please feel free to use our forum to discuss ways to detect and prevent spam.
== Weblink: StopForumSpam.com